In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function, division
In [2]:
# This changes the current directory to the base saga directory - make sure to run this first!
# This is necessary to be able to import the py files and use the right directories,
# while keeping all the notebooks in their own directory.
import os
import sys
from time import time
if 'saga_base_dir' not in locals():
saga_base_dir = os.path.abspath('..')
if saga_base_dir not in sys.path:
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16, 8)
rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'none'
rcParams['image.origin'] = 'lower'
In [4]:
import urllib2
import datetime
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, AltAz, EarthLocation, get_sun
from astropy.time import Time
from import get_readable_fileobj
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, QTable, Column, MaskedColumn
from astropy import table
In [5]:
import cython
%load_ext cython
In [6]:
for module in ['hosts', 'targeting', 'aat']:
if module in globals():
globals()[module] = __import__(module)
#g = targeting.get_gama() #re-caches the gama catalog
In [7]:
hsd = hosts.get_saga_hosts_from_google(clientsecretjsonorfn='client_secrets.json', useobservingsummary=False)
hsd = dict([(, h) for h in hsd])
In [8]:
def nmagy_flux_to_mag(flux):
return (22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(flux).view(*u.mag
This is because the DR3 data release is not yet out so Risa needs to download the bricks from her proporietary access.
In [8]:
#pure-python version
def find_all_bricks(scs_to_match, bricktab):
Find all the DECALS bricks that get all of the skycoords in ``scs_to_match``
inras = []
indecs = []
bricks_to_include = np.zeros(len(bricktab), dtype=bool)
ra1 = bricktab['RA1']
ra2 = bricktab['RA2']
dec1 = bricktab['DEC1']
dec2 = bricktab['DEC2']
for ra, dec in zip(scs_to_match.ra.deg, scs_to_match.dec.deg):
inra = (ra1 < ra) & (ra < ra2)
indec = (dec1 < dec) & (dec < dec2)
inbrick = inra&indec
#assert np.sum(inbrick) == 1
bricks_to_include[inbrick] = True
return bricks_to_include
In [11]:
cimport cython
import numpy as np
def find_all_bricks(scs_to_match, bricktab):
Find all the DECALS bricks that get all of the skycoords in ``scs_to_match``
bricks_to_include = np.zeros(len(bricktab), dtype=np.dtype("i"))
ra1 = np.array(bricktab['RA1']).astype('float64')
ra2 = np.array(bricktab['RA2']).astype('float64')
dec1 = np.array(bricktab['DEC1']).astype('float64')
dec2 = np.array(bricktab['DEC2']).astype('float64')
scs_to_match.ra.deg, scs_to_match.dec.deg,
ra1, ra2, dec1, dec2)
return bricks_to_include.astype(bool)
@cython.boundscheck(False) # turn off bounds-checking for entire function
@cython.wraparound(False) # turn off negative index wrapping for entire function
cdef void _find_all_innerloop(int[:] bricks_to_include,
double[:] ras, double[:] decs,
double[:] ras1, double[:] ras2,
double[:] decs1, double[:] decs2):
cdef size_t i, j
cdef size_t ncoos = len(ras)
cdef size_t nbricks = len(ras1)
for i in range(ncoos):
for j in range(nbricks):
if ras1[j] < ras[i] < ras2[j] and decs1[j] < decs[i] < decs2[j]:
bricks_to_include[j] = 1
In [12]:
def plot_bricks(bricktab):
for brick in bricktab:
ras = [brick['RA1'], brick['RA1'], brick['RA2'], brick['RA2'], brick['RA1']]
decs = [brick['DEC1'], brick['DEC2'], brick['DEC2'], brick['DEC1'], brick['DEC1']]
plt.plot(ras, decs)
plt.text(brick['RA'], brick['DEC'], brick['BRICKNAME'], ha='center', va='center')
In [13]:
bricktab ='decals_catalogs/survey-bricks.fits.gz')
(From Risa:) for reference the names of the files we need to copy are:
where BRICKNUM is the first 3 digits of BRICKNAME
In [12]:
fromtempl = '/scratch1/scratchdirs/desiproc/dr3/tractor/{bricknamef3}/tractor-{brickname}.fits'
def generate_risa_script_lines(bricks, finalfn_base, write_file=False):
Generates a script that risa can use to copy over the necessary bricks
lines = []
fns = []
for bricknm in bricks['BRICKNAME']:
fromfn = fromtempl.format(brickname=bricknm, bricknamef3=bricknm[:3])
lines.append('scp{} .'.format(fromfn))
lines.append('tar -cf {}.tar '.format(finalfn_base))
lines.append('gzip {}.tar'.format(finalfn_base))
fn = None
if write_file:
if write_file is True:
fn = finalfn_base + ''
fn = os.path.join(write_file, finalfn_base + '')
with open(fn, 'w') as f:
for l in lines:
return lines, fn
In [14]:
anak = hsd['AnaK']
anakscs = SkyCoord(anak.get_sdss_catalog()['ra'],
In [15]:
scs_to_search = anakscs[::25]
scs_to_search = scs_to_search[np.random.permutation(len(scs_to_search))]
scs_to_search = anakscs
st = time()
anak_brick_msk = find_all_bricks(scs_to_search, bricktab)
et = time()
print(et-st, 's')
plt.scatter(anakscs.ra, anakscs.dec, alpha=.15, lw=0)
In [152]:
generate_risa_script_lines(bricktab[anak_brick_msk], 'anak-bricks', write_file=True)
In [22]:
named = 'Bandamanna, Dune, Gilgamesh, Odyssey, OBrother, AnaK, Catch22, Narnia'.split(', ')
nsas = [165082, 145398, 145729, 145879, 166141, 149977, 150578, 153017, 127226, 129237, 129387, 130133, 130625, 131531]
In [23]:
hostobjs = [hsd[nm] for nm in named]
for nsa in nsas:
for h in hostobjs:
h.fnsdss = 'SAGADropbox/base_catalogs/base_sql_nsa{0}.fits.gz'.format(h.nsaid)
h._cached_sdss = None
In [15]:
# make sure they can all load their catalogs
for ho in hostobjs:
cat = ho.get_sdss_catalog()
In [47]:
for h in hostobjs:
htab = h.get_sdss_catalog()
scs = SkyCoord(htab['ra'], htab['dec'], unit=u.deg)
st = time()
brick_msk = find_all_bricks(scs, bricktab)
et = time()
print(, et-st, 's')
outfn = generate_risa_script_lines(bricktab[brick_msk],
!cp $outfn /Users/erik/Dropbox/scripts_for_risa
plt.scatter(scs.ra, scs.dec, alpha=.15, lw=0)
In [16]:
anak = hsd['AnaK']
In [17]:
anakbrickfns = !tar tf decals_catalogs/AnaK-bricks.tgz
anakbrickfns = ['decals_catalogs/'+fn for fn in anakbrickfns]
In [19]:
allbricks = table.vstack([ for fn in anakbrickfns])
decals_scs = SkyCoord(allbricks['ra'], allbricks['dec'])
In [79]:
seps = SkyCoord(353.77881, 0.30106, unit=u.deg).separation(decals_scs)
sorti = np.argsort(seps)
In [87]:
22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(allbricks[sorti[:2]]['decam_flux']).view(
In [24]:
sdsscat = anak.get_sdss_catalog()
sdss_scs = SkyCoord(sdsscat['RA'], sdsscat['DEC'], unit=u.deg)
In [25]:
idx, d2d, _ = sdss_scs.match_to_catalog_sky(decals_scs)
In [26]:
plt.hist(d2d.arcsec,bins=1000, range=(0,2), histtype='step')
In [27]:
# this is a bit conservative, but purity>completeness
matches = d2d < 0.3*u.arcsec
matched_sdss = sdsscat[matches]
matched_decals = allbricks[idx[matches]]
matched_decals_mags = nmagy_flux_to_mag(matched_decals['decam_flux'])
matched_decals_g = matched_decals_mags[:,1]
matched_decals_r = matched_decals_mags[:,2]
matched_decals_z = matched_decals_mags[:,4]
In [28]:
dg = matched_sdss['g']*u.mag - matched_decals_g
dr = matched_sdss['r']*u.mag - matched_decals_r
dz = matched_sdss['z']*u.mag - matched_decals_z
sckwargs = dict(lw=0, s=3, alpha=.05)
plt.scatter(matched_decals_r, dg, c='g', **sckwargs)
plt.scatter(matched_decals_r, dr, c='r',**sckwargs)
plt.scatter(matched_decals_r, dz, c='k', **sckwargs)
plt.axhline(0, color='k', ls=':')
plt.axhline(0.05, color='r', ls=':')
plt.ylim(-1, 1)
plt.xlabel('DECALS r')
Here are the P_ML > 0.1 objects in AnaK. These are sorted on zquality: the first two objects have not been targeted (zq=-1), the next 4 objects were targted but did not measure a redshift (zq=1). Note that these all have r_err > 0.1.
I suggest putting this list into SDSS Navigate to give you a better sense of these failures.
In [208]:
data = """
r_err RA Dec r_mag zquality
0.100777 353.94856 0.38954233 17.7467 -1
0.0699525 354.00201 0.084751088 17.0503 -1
0.126755 354.08257 0.060601196 17.8210 1
0.138982 354.07164 0.039664411 17.8468 1
0.211444 353.78034 0.016203257 20.3697 1
0.119890 354.14926 0.32713565 17.7556 1
0.0251430 354.01042 0.56803290 17.5909 4
0.0117326 354.19523 0.62342377 15.7093 4
0.00874042 353.98570 0.70387257 16.1683 4
0.00154292 354.13105 0.29726505 11.3966 4
failures_tab =, format='ascii')
In [194]:
print(targeting.sampled_imagelist(failures_tab['RA'], failures_tab['Dec']))
# can also be used for Yao's viewer at
In [209]:
failures_sc = SkyCoord(failures_tab['RA'], failures_tab['Dec'], unit=u.deg)
In [210]:
idx_sdss, d2d_sdss, _ = failures_sc.match_to_catalog_sky(sdss_scs)
failures_tab['SDSS_offset'] =
In [211]:
idx_decals, d2d_decals, _ = failures_sc.match_to_catalog_sky(decals_scs)
failures_tab['DECALS_offset'] =
Curiosly, the DECALS matches tend to have centroids quite a bit off
In [212]:
decals_mags = nmagy_flux_to_mag(allbricks[idx_decals]['decam_flux'])
failures_tab['DECALS_g'] = decals_mags[:, 1]
failures_tab['SDSS_g'] = sdsscat[idx_sdss]['g']*u.mag
failures_tab['dg'] = failures_tab['SDSS_g'] - failures_tab['DECALS_g']
failures_tab['DECALS_r'] = decals_mags[:, 2]
failures_tab['SDSS_r'] = sdsscat[idx_sdss]['r']*u.mag
failures_tab['dr'] = failures_tab['SDSS_r'] - failures_tab['DECALS_r']
failures_tab['DECALS_z'] = decals_mags[:, 4]
failures_tab['SDSS_z'] = sdsscat[idx_sdss]['z']*u.mag
failures_tab['dz'] = failures_tab['SDSS_z'] - failures_tab['DECALS_z']
In [30]:
In [118]:
decals_r = nmagy_flux_to_mag(allbricks['decam_flux'])[:,2]
bright_decals_scs = decals_scs[(0*u.mag<decals_r)&(decals_r<21*u.mag)&(decals_scs.separation(anak.coords)<60*u.arcmin)]
idx, d2d, _ = bright_decals_scs.match_to_catalog_sky(sdss_scs)
plt.hist(d2d.arcsec, bins=100, range=(0, 30), histtype='step',log=True)
for ll in (0.5, 2, 20):
plt.axvline(ll, c='k')
In [119]:
farish = (2*u.arcsec<d2d)&(d2d<20*u.arcsec)
vfar = d2d>20*u.arcsec
marginal = (0.5*u.arcsec<d2d)&(d2d<1.5*u.arcsec)
Iterated on the lists shown below a number of times to get a feel for what the represent: Pasted them into at a fairly high zoom and switched between SDSS and DECALS to see what the source of the differences might be.
In [123]:
print(targeting.sampled_imagelist(bright_decals_scs[farish], None, n=25,url=None, copytoclipboard=True,
Mostly bright stars or extended objects, although one looks like a genuine low SB glx ( but it's in SDSS, just has quite a different centroid
In [125]:
print(targeting.sampled_imagelist(bright_decals_scs[marginal], None, n=25,url=None, copytoclipboard=True,
Mainly diffuse things with centroiding troubles
In [126]:
print(targeting.sampled_imagelist(bright_decals_scs.ra[vfar], bright_decals_scs.dec[vfar], n=25,url=None, copytoclipboard=True,
names=d2d.arcsec[vfar]), n=1000)